Pair 7 - Julie Teague / Joan Walsh
Place this match: 1
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Datum Net Imps
Board 1 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 3 N
JH 7 100 20 120 3 Board 2 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 1NT S TC 6 100 -120 -20 -1 Board 3 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 5 S
5D 10 50 330 380 9 Board 4 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 3 E
AD 8 -100 50 -50 -2 Board 5 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 4 W
AD 10 420 40 460 10 Board 6 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 2 E
6D 10 170 -160 10 0 Board 7 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 3 S
3D 9 -140 150 10 0 Board 8 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr 4 S
JH 7 150 120 270 7 Board 9 9: Geoff Warr / Meg Warr adj 0 Total 26
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