Pair 9 - Anne Birt / Meryl DukePlace: 1, Percentage: 61.11% Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score Matchpoints% Board 15: Denyse Stephens / Ian Newton3 W9C850583% Board 25: Denyse Stephens / Ian Newton1 EAC650467% Board 35: Denyse Stephens / Ian Newton3 S8D10170233% Board 48: Suzanne Harrison / Jann Small4 N3H10-620233% Board 58: Suzanne Harrison / Jann Small3NT WTC114606100% Board 68: Suzanne Harrison / Jann Small1 EAS8906100% Board 71: Helve Beale / Roz Harvey4 SAD10620467% Board 81: Helve Beale / Roz Harvey4 E4H10-420117% Board 91: Helve Beale / Roz Harvey4 S3C12480467% Board 106: Marcelle Goslin / Cesca HanniganPASS N=0583% Board 116: Marcelle Goslin / Cesca Hannigan2 WKC101706100% Board 126: Marcelle Goslin / Cesca Hannigan2 EAS7-50117% Board 167: John Aldersley / Beryl Lowry3NT NAC104306100% Board 177: John Aldersley / Beryl Lowry4 WKH12-48000% Board 187: John Aldersley / Beryl Lowry6NT S6H11-10000% Board 193: John Sandra / Bernadette Sandra2 N6S10130583% Board 203: John Sandra / Bernadette Sandra2 EAS62006100% Board 213: John Sandra / Bernadette Sandra4 N7D11650467% Board 222: Linda Cunningham / Jo Ampherlaw3 S2H10-13000% Board 232: Linda Cunningham / Jo Ampherlaw2NT W6S8120467% Board 242: Linda Cunningham / Jo Ampherlaw3 SJS6150467% Board 2510: Graham Woof / Carolynne Mucharsky3NT EJS8-100350% Board 2610: Graham Woof / Carolynne Mucharsky2 S5D6200583% Board 2710: Graham Woof / Carolynne Mucharsky2 WAH890583%
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