Pair 9 - Jan Hilton / Ann GunnerPlace: 9 Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult Score X-Imps Board 13: Ivan Cottom / Joan Cottom4 N5S10-420 -10.50 Board 23: Ivan Cottom / Joan Cottom4 NJH9100 7.17 Board 33: Ivan Cottom / Joan Cottom4X N7D10-590 -6.00 Board 44: Ellen Williams / Gary Barwick4 EAH7300 8.33 Board 54: Ellen Williams / Gary Barwick3 S9S8-100 -3.33 Board 64: Ellen Williams / Gary Barwick3 EKD8100 2.50 Board 72: Stephanie Mathews / Gary Heyting4 S8S8-200 -7.67 Board 82: Stephanie Mathews / Gary Heyting4 E7H10-420 -6.50 Board 92: Stephanie Mathews / Gary Heyting3NT NJC10430 -0.67 Board 1012: Patricia Dennis / Pauline Caust5X E9S9500 9.17 Board 1112: Patricia Dennis / Pauline Caust4 S5H11450 -0.17 Board 1212: Patricia Dennis / Pauline Caust4 SQS10620 -0.33 Board 131: Jenny Buckley / Marilyn JarrettPASS=0 1.50 Board 141: Jenny Buckley / Marilyn Jarrett3 WJD10-170 2.17 Board 151: Jenny Buckley / Marilyn Jarrett2 SAD9140 2.17 Board 167: Margo Burnet / John Drew3NT S4C5-200 -4.33 Board 177: Margo Burnet / John Drew2 E4S8-110 -1.33 Board 187: Margo Burnet / John Drew1NT SJS6-100 -2.33 Board 1911: Anne Grayden / Julie Sadler1NT N4H790 2.17 Board 2011: Anne Grayden / Julie Sadler4 NKS10620 9.33 Board 2111: Anne Grayden / Julie Sadler3NT NJH8-100 -8.67 Board 2210: Agnes Marsh / Len Pascoe3 S6H10-130 0.00 Board 2310: Agnes Marsh / Len Pascoe4 WQD10620 6.83 Board 2410: Agnes Marsh / Len Pascoe4 E3C9-50 -5.50 Total-6.00
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