Brisbane Water Bridge Club

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Place Result % Pair Name Red pts
1213.9 63.68% Jaan Oitmaa - Sylvia Foster (12)0.80
2188.8 56.20% Karen Ody - Jim Routledge (10)0.56
3188.3 56.04% Marcelle Goslin - Kevin Hughes (1)0.40
4184.7 54.98% Carol Long - Faith Ross (9)0.27
5181.5 54.03% David Adams - Deborah Guthrie (8)0.20
6173.4 51.60% Stephen Calcroft - Sue Eastman (13)0.16
7172.5 51.34% Gary Heyting - Stephanie Mathews (7)0.13
8166.4 49.52% Frankie Craven - Spider Redgold (11) 
9159.6 47.49% Christine Hadaway - Donelle Foate (3) 
10159.2 47.38% Judy Wulff - Susan McCall (4) 
11151.5 45.10% Dasha Brandt - David Bowerman (15) 
11151.5 45.09% Joan Walsh - Jenny Buckley (14) 
13149.0 44.34% Edith Marshall - Hilary Owen (5) 
14148.1 44.07% Fiona Templeton - Ross Templeton (2) 
15138.0 41.08% Peter Hume - Elaine Hume (6) 
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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