Brisbane Water Bridge Club

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Tuesday (11-Feb-25)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1181.1 67.08% Peter Hume - Felicity Fane (5)0.42
2175.5 65.00% Jim Routledge - Chris Hasemore (6)0.29
3169.9 62.92% Hope Tomlinson - Martin Johnson (8)0.21
4150.8 55.83% Barry Foster - Sylvia Foster (3)0.14
5142.0 52.59% Marcelle Goslin - Ron Meaney (12)0.11
6140.6 52.08% Marilyn Jarrett - Jenny Buckley (9)0.08
7131.6 48.75% Margaret Driscoll - Stephen Calcroft (2) 
8130.5 48.33% Elaine Hume - Daryll Knowles (1) 
9118.0 43.70% Gai Mylne - Helen White (11) 
10117.0 43.33% Lynne Rainford - Hilary Owen (4) 
11111.4 41.25% Meg McGregor - Robyn Serra (7) 
12101.0 37.41% Spider Redgold - Colin Lawther (14) 
1396.0 35.56% Janice Donohoe - Edith Marshall (10) 

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