Brisbane Water Bridge Club

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Monday (10-Jun-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1141.8 65.62% Christine Hadaway - Donelle Foate (12)0.36
2127.1 58.85% Hope Tomlinson - Barry Foster (4)0.25
3126.0 58.33% Jaan Oitmaa - Sylvia Foster (8)0.18
4122.6 56.77% Noel Crockett - Shirley Crockett (3)0.12
5112.5 52.08% John Aldersley - Beryl Lowry (5)0.09
6105.8 48.96% Karen Ody - Lorraine Lindsay (11) 
7102.4 47.40% Graham Woof - Caroline Nichols (10) 
893.4 43.23% Maureen Lockwood - Fiona Galea (6) 
991.1 42.19% Carolynne Mucharsky - Edith Marshall (7) 
1091.0 42.13% Steve Anderson - Kerry Anderson (2) 
1180.0 37.04% Bob Lowry - Dieter Mucharsky (9) 

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