Brisbane Water Bridge Club

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Tuesday (28-May-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1183.2 61.07% Peter Hume - Felicity Fane (1)0.18
2168.4 56.13% Robin Vaughan - Donelle Foate (3)0.13
3152.0 50.67% Christine Hadaway - Ann Snow (6)0.09
4147.8 49.27% Elaine Hume - Daryll Knowles (2) 
5128.6 42.87% Marilyn Jarrett - Jenny Buckley (5) 
6120.0 40.00% Gai Mylne - Helen White (4) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1198.0 66.00% Susan McCall - Pamela Joseph (2)0.18
2194.4 64.80% Janice Donohoe - Meryl Duke (4)0.13
3149.8 49.93% Merilyn Reid - Anne Birt (1)0.09
4145.6 48.53% Lynne Rainford - Hilary Owen (5) 
5131.2 43.73% Ed Vaughan - Graham Woof (3) 
681.0 27.00% Maureen Lockwood - Jennifer Tebb (6) 

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